Welcome to Glyndon Elementary


A Note from the Principal, Tracy Robinson

We are committed to excellence in education.  We are dedicated to educating the whole child and attribute our achievement to high academic standards, an exceptional and talented faculty and staff, an effective values and behavioral program, and our phenomenal parental and community support!

Our primary focus has and will continue to be developing our students into proficient readers, developing their competencies in mathematics, and striving to create life-long learners. As a result, our test scores demonstrate that our students are doing an outstanding job of applying academic skills and processes in meaningful ways. Challenging our students to be the very best they can be, preparing them for the future, and ensuring their success are our top priorities.

Glyndon Elementary School is a learning community - teachers, students, administrators, and parents - dedicated to continuous progress and personal growth to model our belief that the true value of education is to create life-long learners who find joy in the learning process.

I am proud to be a part of this phenomenal teaching and learning environment where everyone, everyday, is experiencing exciting discoveries. I encourage you to visit us so that you can experience first-hand the powerful teaching and learning that are taking place here at Glyndon Elementary School.

Tracy M. Robinson 

Upcoming Events

Click the link below for registration requirements for the
2024-2025 school year!


FOCUS Access for Parents/Caregivers
FOCUS for Parents.pdf

Join the BCPS Parent Information Portal
BCPS Parent Information Portal.pdf

Looking to distribute a flier to our school community?

Please complete the 
Request for Approval to Distribute Non-School Materials Application  and return it to the school office along with a copy of the flyer. 
All flyers must be in accordance with Rule 2361: 
Please Note:
  1. All materials to be distributed must include the name of the sponsor, organization, or business, and include the following disclaimer: "This organization and its materials are not affiliated with, sponsored by, or endorsed by Baltimore County Public Schools, the Superintendent,  or this school or office."
  2. If approved, please sort into 20 groups of 30 flyers each.
  3. Include a copy of your approval when dropping off the flyers.
For additional information concerning this policy, please call the school office at (443)809-1130..

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